I have a masters degree in Informatics from BUTE with distributed systems & cloud computing specialization.
Interested in blockchain tech, cloud computing, 3d printing. Scala is my favourite language so far.
Freelance developer
Helping startups with their Industry 3.0 & Scala problems
Developer at a software consulting firm
Duration: 4 years
Worked on a lot of different projects with Scala, Java, did a lot of CI/CD/Infra work.
Informatics MSc. @ BUTE
Flow simulation on compute shader.
Teaching @ BUTE
Duration: 2 years
Database lab teaching assistant.
Google Summer of Code
Followed up my Bsc. work with Lucene, managed to improve its text classifier.
Informatics BSc. @ BUTE
Thesis was about patent classification from the text with Lucene. Started working with multiple companies during the Bsc. period, one of the was a really early IOT project.
University community websites
Developed websites helping the integration of freshman students.